Can Edibles Last 2 Days? Doses & Effects

can edibles last 2 days
In general, it is very unlikely for edibles to last 2 days. How long the effects last depends on the dosage, as well as your tolerance and metabolism

In general, it is very unlikely for edibles to last 2 days. However, the effect of edibles depends on:

  • Dosage
  • Tolerance
  • Metabolism

An average dose of edibles typically lasts for 6 hours. However, it can last up to 12 hours if you are highly sensitive to edibles. If you have a higher tolerance, the effect can last for only 4 hours.

Higher doses of edibles tend to last longer because it takes your body time to metabolize them and remove them from your system. If you have slower metabolism, the effect of edibles may last longer.

Edibles tend to exert the strongest effects 3 hours after their ingestion.

How potent are edibles?

The potency of the edibles depends on:

  • Type of strain
  • Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content
  • Cooking temperature
  • Cooking time

About 2.5-5 mg of THC is generally considered the lowest effective dose and can be taken if you are consuming edibles for the first time.

If you are used to taking cannabis or marijuana, 10-15 mg of THC is generally required to experience a high. A very high dose is considered 20 mg or greater.

What are the various forms of edibles?

  • Foods
    • Brownies
    • Cookies
    • Cupcakes
    • Granola bars
  • Drinks
    • Pre-mixed sodas
    • Juices
    • Teas
  • Candies
    • Chocolate
    • Gummies
    • Lozenges
    • Marshmallows
    • Jellybeans
    • Fudge

What do edibles do to the body?

Both short-term and long-term exposure to edibles can take a toll on your physical and mental health:

  • Brain function: People who take edibles may face problems with their ability to concentrate, learn, and remember things. Although this is a short-term effect that lasts for the first 24 hours after consumption, the effect may be more severe in teens.
  • Tachycardia (increased heart rate): Edibles can increase the heart rate from 70-120 beats per minute. This in turn can increase the risk of heart attacks.
  • Increased appetite: Edibles can increase hunger. This effect can be useful for people who suffer from diseases associated with emaciation, such as cancer and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Research is underway to determine whether the use of edibles can help such people without causing unwanted side effects.
  • Anxiety and depression: While some people who use edibles experience a high, others may feel anxious. Frequent use can lead to depression and exacerbation of existing mental health disorders.

Do edibles have an expiration date?

Edibles can degrade over time. How long it takes for them to expire depends on the form in which they are consumed. For instance, a muffin may be more perishable than a piece of candy.

Keeping an edible in the freezer can make the edible stay fresh longer.


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Image Source: Roberto Machado Noa / Getty Images

Barrus DG, Capogrossi KL, Cates SC, et al. Tasty THC: Promises and Challenges of Cannabis Edibles. Methods Rep RTI Press. 2016;2016. doi: 10.3768/rtipress.2016.op.0035.1611

National Institutes of Health. Cannabis (Marijuana) and Cannabinoids: What You Need To Know.