Calcium Pyruvate: Benefits, Weight Loss, and Side Effects

Medically Reviewed on 9/29/2022
Calcium Pyruvate
Although calcium pyruvate is generally safe to take, it may lead to a few side effects in some people.

Pyruvate is a chemical produced naturally by the body as it breaks down carbohydrates to provide energy (glycolysis). Calcium is a mineral that our bodies require for bone strength.

Many individuals take a combination of calcium and pyruvate as supplements, especially for weight loss and other additional advantages.

How does calcium pyruvate aid in weight loss?

The combination of pyruvate and calcium is claimed to act as a potent fat burner. Your body burns fat and generates energy through a series of chemical reactions known as the Krebs cycle. The Krebs cycle is based on pyruvate, and it is initiated when there is more pyruvate in the body. 

Some studies have reported that regular intake of pyruvate can increase metabolism and decrease body weight. 

Calcium pyruvate is naturally found in many foods, including apples and cheese. It is also found in various beverages, such as red wine and black beer.

However, only small amounts are produced naturally which is effective for weight loss. To gain five grams of calcium pyruvate, you may need to consume 70 apples.

Most studies, however, refute the claims of pyruvate supplements in weight loss. 

In general, the actions of calcium pyruvate may include:

  • Increased metabolism
  • Improved energy levels
  • Breakdown of body fat and its use as an energy source 
  • Muscle retention
  • Contribution to carbohydrate digestion 
  • Antioxidant activity for antiaging

7 health benefits of calcium pyruvate supplements

Apart from weight loss, there are some other additional health benefits of calcium pyruvate. Most of these claims, however, lack substantial scientific evidence.

  1. Improves endurance and athletic performance:
    • Athletes may benefit from calcium pyruvate supplementation, as their bodies are continually undergoing ATP generation to support extended bouts of activity. 
    • Calcium pyruvate's hypothesized advantages include transporting glucose and amino acids to muscle cells and maintaining adequate levels of ATP. 
    • Researchers found that a combination of 25 grams of calcium pyruvate and 75 grams of dihydroxyacetone phosphate resulted in a 20 percent improvement in triceps muscular endurance after seven days of treatment.
  2. Anti-aging properties:
    • Pyruvic acid is a type of calcium pyruvate that is applied topically. 
    • It is administered to the skin directly and is used in a variety of skin treatments, including skin peels. 
    • Pyruvic acid eliminates the layer of dead cells, giving your skin a cleaner appearance.
    • Pyruvic acid is anti-inflammatory and a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce the likelihood of acne and other skin problems.
    • A study on the efficacy of pyruvic acid on acne reported that 50 percent of subjects experienced partial remission and 40 percent experienced total remission.
    • Researchers noted that pyruvic acid peels at 50 percent have the potential to be a safe and effective therapy for aging facial skin. After giving four peeling treatments to 20 individuals at four-week intervals, results showed:
      • Skin with smoother textures
      • Reduced wrinkles
      • Less hyperpigmentation
  3. Anti-inflammatory  properties:
    • Calcium pyruvate has anti-inflammatory properties. 
    • Many researchers claim that calcium pyruvate may benefit both bone and gastrointestinal health.
  4. May improve vision and prevents cataracts:
    • Early animal research suggests that calcium pyruvate may aid enhance eyesight. 
    • This is because it has the potential to prevent or postpone cataract development.
    • Calcium pyruvate is a glycation inhibitor, which means it inhibits proteins in the body from interacting with sugar molecules. 
    • Glycation of proteins in the lens of the eye leads to the formation of cataracts.
    • Taking calcium pyruvate supplements may help prevent or halt this process and prevent cataract formation.
  5. Boosts immunity:
    • Researchers claim that calcium pyruvate may enhance immunity. 
    • Animal studies have reported promising results in this aspect, and it is believed the same may be applied to humans as well.
  6. Improves heart health:
    • Scientists have investigated the beneficial advantages of calcium pyruvate on heart health. 
    • Data suggest that the supplement improved cardiac function in animals undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass surgery.
  7. Improves cognition:
    • Studies have reported that calcium pyruvate supplements can boost cognition.
    • It can help combat some of the outcomes of aging and Alzheimer's disease.


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Dosage of calcium pyruvate supplements

Calcium pyruvate supplements are typically taken orally according to the prescribed dosage and regimen indicated on the individual product that you purchase. 

  • As most calcium pyruvate products are powders, they must be blended in a liquid medium before consumption.
  • Topical treatments are also available for people who require pyruvic acid for skin disorders.

To achieve the best results, make sure you follow the instructions exactly. These topical peels are typically given by a physician, whereas certain ointments and lotions are accessible over the counter.

Calcium pyruvate is indicated in doses ranging from 5 to 44 grams per day for weight reduction. Pyruvate can also be used topically on the skin to aid with aging. In this scenario, a 50 percent pyruvic acid peel can be used once a week for four weeks.

Studies report that taking 20 to 50 grams of calcium pyruvate per day or replacing 10 to 20 percent of calorie intake (initially from carbs) with supplementary pyruvate aids weight loss. The lowest effective range observed during this study involves substituting 6 to 12 grams of carbs with pyruvate.

  • Notably, the lowest dose is sufficient to reap the advantages of the supplement, and no evidence taking high amounts of the supplement can produce better results.
  • It is also safer to take lower doses and increase them gradually, if necessary.
  • This will help reduce the possibility of unnecessary side effects.

Before using any dietary supplements, you should always consult a medical practitioner. The doctor will examine your medical history, nutrition, and exercise routine to evaluate whether a supplement, such as calcium pyruvate, can benefit your health.

Are there any side effects of using calcium pyruvate supplements?

Although calcium pyruvate is regarded safe when used correctly, there are a few negative effects to be aware of. If you use excessive amounts of the supplement, you may encounter the following side effects:

The good news is that these adverse effects will not last forever. You can get rid of them simply by reducing the dose or discontinuing usage of the supplement entirely.

Contraindications of calcium pyruvate

  • Calcium pyruvate is not appropriate for everyone. It is best to avoid the supplement if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • There are presently insufficient scientific data to establish the supplement's safety for women in this situation.
  • You should avoid using this supplement if you have irritable bowel syndrome or diarrhea.
  • Calcium pyruvate may aggravate several illnesses, even if it has significant health advantages.

The higher the dose, the harsher the reaction, which is why you should start with the lowest dose and work your way up if no symptoms are seen. It is preferable to test skin peels on a tiny patch of skin first; this way, if you experience sensitivity symptoms, it will be easy to address them.

Medically Reviewed on 9/29/2022
Image Source: iStock image

Pyruvate - Uses, Side Effects and More: