8 Foods and Drinks That May Cause Cloudy Urine

8 Foods and Drinks That May Cause Cloudy Urine
If your pee is not clear or yellow but cloudy or frothy, there are many potential underlying causes ranging from harmless to serious

Urine color is a powerful diagnostic tool since it reveals important information about your health. If your pee is not clear or yellow but cloudy or frothy, there are many potential underlying causes ranging from harmless to serious.

In many cases, cloudy urine is caused by diet and will resolve on its own. Here are 9 foods and drinks that can cause cloudy urine.

8 food items that can cause cloudy urine

1. Milk and dairy

Foods such as milk and dairy products are high in phosphate  If your urine contains too much phosphate, it can appear murky or hazy, especially if you have underlying kidney disease.

2. Meat 

Red meat and poultry are also high in phosphorus. Processed meats such as bacon and sausage are also high in salt, which can contribute to cloudy urine.

3. Seafood

Sardines, anchovies, and shellfish are high in purines, which metabolize into uric acid, leading to cloudy urine.

4. Foods high in oxalates

Foods high in oxalic acid can cause cloudy urine. These include leafy greens like spinach, nuts, seeds, and animal fats.

5. Salty foods

Eating cured meats, canned soups, chips, and other salty foods while not drinking enough water can cause dark, cloudy urine due to mild dehydration.

6. Sugary foods

High sugar intake can also cause cloudy urine, especially if the sugar is from high fructose corn syrup which is often used in sodas, candy, and packaged desserts. Excessive consumption of fructose stimulates the synthesis of uric acid and can cause urine to appear murky

7. Alcohol 

Excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to dehydration and cloudy urine as a result. It is important to consume alcohol in moderation and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

8. Coffee and tea

Drinks high in caffeine such as coffee and some varieties of tea can have a diuretic effect and lead to dehydration, which in turn can contribute to urine cloudiness.

What else can cause cloudy urine?

Medications or supplements that can cause cloudy urine include:

Medical conditions that can cause cloudy urine include:

What are different types of cloudy urine?

There are different types of cloudy urine depending on the underlying cause:

  • Phosphaturia (phosphate in urine):
    • Fairly uncommon
    • May increase the risk of kidney stones if it occurs often
  • Pyuria (pus in urine):
    • May be caused by urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections, kidney stones, and kidney tuberculosis
    • Often accompanied by other symptoms, such as painful urination and fever
  • Chyluria
    • Caused by lymphatic fluid that leaks into the kidneys
    • May occur due to injuries, parasitic infections, or tumors

If you notice that your urine appears cloudy on a regular basis or is accompanied by other symptoms, consult your doctor to rule out any significant medical concerns.


According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.” See Answer
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EPIC Health. 7 Food Items That May Lead to Cloudy Urine. https://www.epichs.org/news/foods-drinks-lead-to-cloudy-urine/

Cleveland Clinic. Cloudy Urine. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/21894-cloudy-urine

Medline Plus. Urine - abnormal color. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003139.htm